Book Fairs are exciting reading events that bring the books kids want to read to the school. It’s a wonderful selection of engaging and affordable books for every reading level. Book Fairs promote reading for pleasure that unlocks the power of information and imagination which helps students discover who they are. Additionally, Book Fairs raise money for the school library, give students and their families the opportunity to choose and read books together, support the development of classroom libraries, and generate excitement for books and literacy.
The Book Fair is often students’ favorite event in the library, and it is what they will remember for years to come. Still, these events require a great deal of preparation, ingenuity, and manpower. But don’t fret! I am going to share with you what I have come to learn since taking on my role as Book Fairy. Make the Book Fair suit the needs and interests of your students. In no time, you too will grow a set of fairy wings.
I host three Scholastic Book Fairs a year: one in the Fall, Spring, and a Buy One Get One (BOGO) fair before Summer. Advertisement is crucial to the success of your fair. I hang posters around the school and begin sharing social media posts three weeks before the event.
Check out the Smore online newsletter I created for our latest Book Fair.
Generate excitement about an upcoming Book Fair with your students first. Students' enthusiasm will spread to their regular classrooms and their homes before you know it. There are a variety of ways to inform and excite students about this special event. Scholastic sends out a 10 minute DVD with the trailers for the latest books to be available at the Book Fair. I highly recommend showing the book trailers to your classes. After the video, you can have students complete a Book Fair coloring page. I entice my students to do their best by making it a contest. The best coloring page from each grade level receives a free book from the fair!
Book Fairs are a great opportunity to maintain a strong classroom teacher-library program relationship. The Scholastic Book Fairs Classroom Wish List program makes it possible for teachers to develop a well-stocked classroom library. All teachers have to do is fill out Classroom Wish List forms and place them on the display board. You can order a wish list display from the Scholastic Dollars Catalog. You will be surprised at the number of parents who purchase books for their child’s teacher. As an extra incentive, I draw three teacher names near the end of the Book Fair who fill out three or more wish list forms. Each winner is awarded a $10 Book Fair credit!
There is so much you can do before, during, and after your Book Fair to make it a success. You can’t go wrong by accessing all the great resources and ideas found in your Chairperson’s Toolkit. The Toolkit is designed exclusively for Book Fair Chairpeople to help plan, promote, and run a Scholastic Book Fair. Your're now ready to soar to success. So go out and flap those Book Fair-y wings!